Communications training for international environments
You work in an international corporation or organization and need to present your findings in front of a multicultural audience? You moved to a new country and would like to adjust? Or you are simply finding it difficult to get your messages across depending in different cultural environments?

Before becoming a journalist, anchorwomen Julia Bauer has studied diplomacy and worked at the United Nations. Her long experience in media and communications combined with a high degree of cultural awareness will make her the perfect trainer for your successful needs.
The focus of this training is the individual preparation of your presentation, for your specific target group. Camera-analysis, the use of flip charts and other props can be included during on site trainings. During digital training sessions, Julia can advise on how to act in front of your computer’s camera.
Book this training if you...
- in an international corporation or organization
- ...present your findings in front of a multicultural audience
- ...plan to move to a different cultural environment
Individual consultation and uniquely designed custom-made courses: Everything is possible.
Everything is possible.