Public Speaking
Less powerpoint usage but more self-esteem: This is one of the key messages during Julia’s training on public speaking. And that convincing, free and structured speaking can be learned. During this training, she will show you how.

In this seminar, Julia will share her experience as professional public speaker and give you countless tips and tricks on how to master your time on stage successfully.
Topics range from gaining confidence, coping with stage fright to practical tips like where to put your hands while presenting. As a TV presenter, Julia knows: pronunciation, facial expressions and gesturing are highly individual factors that play an elementary role. Thus, she looks at her trainees on a very individual basis in order to truly work on an authentic and realistic public speaking style. Camera-analysis, the use of flip charts and other props can be included during on site trainings. During digital training sessions, Julia can advise on how to act in front of your computer’s camera.
Possible add-ons for this training
- camera analysis
- use of flip charts and other props
- tipps and tricks for presenting into your webcam
Individual consultation and uniquely designed custom-made courses: Everything is possible.
Everything is possible.